Apps For Dr/PhUptodateJune 27, 2024
It is a subscription-based resource designed to provide physicians access to current clinical information. It addresses specific clinical issues in the form of topic reviews.
Topic reviews are written by physician experts who review the literature then synthesize the information into specific recommendations for diagnosis, management, and therapy.UpToDate covers primarily internal medicine and its subspecialties. Currently, cardiovascular medicine, endocrinology and diabetes, family practice, gastroenterology and hepatology, hematology, infectious diseases, nephrology and hypertension, obstetrics, gynecology and women's health, oncology, pulmonary and critical care, and rheumatology. -
Apps For Dr/Phbmj best practiceJune 27, 2024
It is a leading clinical decision-making resource, providing Physician and pharmacist with comprehensive, evidence-based information on the diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of conditions across more than 30 specialties.
Ranked one of the best clinical decision support tools for Physician and pharmacist worldwide*, It is a provides step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Updated daily using robust evidence-based methodology and expert opinion, It is a provides you with access to the very latest clinical information. -
Apps For Dr/PhClinicalKeyJune 27, 2024
It is a clinical search engine that supports the clinical decision requirements of physicians and pharmacists.It is an answers questions quickly because it thinks like a clinician, recognizing relevant clinical concepts as you type and offering shortcuts to critical answers and it is constantly updated.
Ranked one of the best clinical decision support tools for Physician and pharmacist worldwide*, It is a provides step-by-step guidance on diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Updated daily using robust evidence-based methodology and expert opinion, It is a provides you with access to the very latest clinical information. -
Apps For Dr/PhAmbossJune 27, 2024
is an online learning platform to assist you throughout your medical career. It includes a Library and Question bank , all written alongside USMLE and COMLEX guidelines, to help you strengthen your medical knowledge and prepare for your USMLE Step exams, Shelf exams, COMLEX Level 1, 2, & 3 exams and COMAT exams.
While we offer comprehensive content for these exam preparations, It is so much more than just a study tool! Medical students, residents, and physicians can use the library and its various clinical features as an easy-to-navigate reference tool for their clinical work. -
Apps For Dr/PhVisualDxJune 27, 2024
is a diagnostic clinical decision support system designed to enhance diagnostic accuracy, aid therapeutic decisions, and improve patient safety.Clinicians can build a custom differential diagnosis across general medicine or use the search function to access patient-specific clinical information and medical images.
Spanning over 3,000 diseases and including 40,000+ images across all skin types, ages, and variations of disease presentation.It is a extensive repository of high-quality medical images is also the largest atlas for skin of color. -
Apps For Dr/PhDynaMedJune 27, 2024
is a leading clinical decision support solution with a mission to provide the most useful evidence-based information to physicians and pharmacists at the point of care to improve health outcomes worldwide.
It is content is written by expert physicians and researchers who synthesise the evidence and provide objective analysis.It topics are always based on clinical evidence and never solely on the experience or opinion of the author, providing the clinical answers that clinicians and Pharmacists need — answers that could change the way they practice medicine. -
Apps For Dr/PhDynaMedexJune 27, 2024
With DynaMedex, clinicians can easily search, browse, and follow the topics and specialties that matter most to them and get both quick and in-depth answers to their drug-related questions.
DynaMedex combines the clinical expertise and extensive, curated disease content of DynaMed with the comprehensive view into treatment options, depth and breadth of drug information and advanced search capabilities of Micromedex. Provide users with evidence-based insights for optimal clinical decision-making and improved patient outcomes. -
Apps For Dr/PhLexicompJune 27, 2024
It is a provides physicians and pharmacists with drug information, including dosing, administration, warnings and precautions, an interaction checker, numerous calculators, as well as clinical content, such as clinical practice guidelines, and IV compatibility.
is a drug reference solution for hospital wide or community pharmacists. It ia a features intuitive navigation, drug monographs, and drug interaction screenings. This resource is designed to connect you to drug answers quickly and efficiently, providing physicians and pharmacists with timely and relevant drug information. -
Apps For Dr/PhSanford GuideJune 27, 2024
It is a helps providers, Physicians and pharmacists quickly make the best infectious diseases treatment decisions.
provides convenient, concise, and reliable medical information. Coverage includes clinical syndromes (organized by anatomic system/site of infection), pathogens (bacterial, fungal, mycobacterial, parasitic and viral), anti-infective agents (dosing, adverse effects, activity, pharmacology, interactions), expanded HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis information, specialized dosing tables and tools, calculators, and preventative therapy, all evidence-based and extensively referenced. -
Apps For Dr/PhSymptoms To DiagnosisJune 27, 2024
Symptom to Diagnosis aims to help students and residents learn internal medicine and focuses on the challenging task of diagnosis. Learn the diagnostic process in internal medicine with this engaging, case-based approach.
Symptom to Diagnosis, Fourth Edition teaches an evidence-based, step-by-step process for evaluating, diagnosing, and treating patients based on their clinical complaints. By applying this process clinicians will be able to recognize specific diseases and prescribe the most effective therapy.
Apps For StudentsNotabilityJune 27, 2024
Notability is a note-taking application for iOS and Android. The application allows note-taking and the annotation of PDF files. Notability is the best-selling note-taking app
Notability is a simple note-taking and pdf annotation app. Students and teachers use Notability daily to take notes, complete assignments, and much more. -
Apps For StudentsGoodnotes 6June 27, 2024
Goodnotes is a cloud-based and on-premise note-taking application that offers a fluid and natural handwriting experience on digital paper.
It integrates the ease of handwriting with the effectiveness of digital tools and advanced artificial intelligence (AI) functionality to enhance productivity, organization, planning and collaborative work. The software provides a smooth and responsive handwriting experience that replicates the feel of a pen on paper. It allows users to import PDFs and images for annotation, highlighting and markup within documents. -
Apps For Studentspdf expertJune 27, 2024
With PDF Expert, you can edit PDFs, change text and images, add highlights, and comments to make collaboration on documents easy and efficient.
PDF Expert is a tool for Apple devices that is used for editing, annotating, signing and organising PDFs. The application and the file manager work hand in hand to perform actions quickly and switch smoothly between tasks. -
Apps For StudentsAnatomyJune 27, 2024
Complete Anatomy is the world's most advanced 3D anatomy platform, built to take you through each stage of your anatomy journey with groundbreaking 3D models, virtual dissections, interactive learning and so much more.
Apps For StudentsAnki Mobile FlashcardJune 27, 2024
Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it's a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount you learn.
Anyone who needs to remember things in their daily life can benefit from Anki. Since it is content-agnostic and supports images, audio, videos and scientific markup (via LaTeX), the possibilities are endless. For example: Learning a language, Studying for medical and law exams, Memorizing people's names and faces, Brushing up on geography, Mastering long poems and Even practicing guitar chords! -
Apps For StudentsAnki ProJune 27, 2024
Anki Pro - is the flashcards app that based on an enhanced spaced repetition algorithm and allows you to increase vocabulary in learning languages, prepare for exams and study new materials. Anki Pro app could be an effective study helper tool and avoid managing physical note cards by using digital index cards.
You can get all the benefits from our app: Study with cards: create, customize and share your own flashcard decks or download over 50000 of decks compiled for learning languages and different topics. Spaced repetition: In our anki app you create flash cards and the in-built algorithm manages everything else. It understands what piece of information you are about to forget and shows you the very index cards right on time and helps you to memorize it. Share decks: share any of your sets with your friends, schoolmates or language learners just like you. -
Apps For StudentsAnkiHubJune 27, 2024
AnkiHub is a complex web application and add-on that will facilitate mass collaboration, real-time updates, and much more, all while still allowing users to customize their cards. A simple example: I will host the AnKing Overhaul deck on AnkiHub as a deck manager.
Apps For StudentsBMJ LearningJune 27, 2024
BMJ Learning offers high-quality continuing medical education for doctors and other healthcare professionals. It features hundreds of accredited, peer-reviewed learning modules in text, video, and audio formats.
Apps For StudentsChat GPTJune 27, 2024
Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence program that generates dialogue. Created by Open Al, this high capable chatbot uses machine learning algorithms to process and analyze large amounts of data to generate responses to user inquiries.
This language processing program is able to understand human language as it is spoken and written, allowing it to understand the information it is fed, and what to spit back out. A student can type in a question, and ChatGPT spits back out an easily understandable answer – in a variety of formats with precise stipulations.
Apps For ArticlesResearchGateJune 27, 2024
ResearchGate is the professional network for scientists and researchers – providing a platform for you to connect, collaborate, and share your work with a global community of 25+ million members.
Joining our community of researchers lets you: Connect and collaborate: Connect with colleagues, co-authors, and specialists in your field worldwide. Showcase your research and get stats: Share your work and track its impact with detailed stats. Access relevant research: Access a wide range of journal content and other research. Share your knowledge and expertise: Participate in Q&A to ask questions, get answers from specialists, and share your expertise. Explore professional opportunities: Discover jobs, learning, and publishing opportunities tailored to you, saving time and advancing your career. -
Apps For ArticlesNEJMJune 27, 2024
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) is recognized as the world’s leading medical journal and website. Published continuously for over 200 years, NEJM delivers high-quality, peer-reviewed research and interactive clinical content to physicians, educators, researchers, and the global medical community.
Our mission is to publish the best research and information at the intersection of biomedical science and clinical practice and to present this information in understandable, clinically useful formats that inform health care practice and improve patient outcomes. -
Apps For ArticlesPubMedJune 27, 2024
PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health–both globally and personally.
The PubMed database contains more than 37 million citations and abstracts of biomedical literature. It does not include full text journal articles; however, links to the full text are often present when available from other sources, such as the publisher's website